Making sense of how you feel

Making sense of how you feel

Nov 8 2020

Worries or feelings of anxiousness about finances, health, or those close to you - boredom, frustration, or loneliness? The National Health Service, (NHS 2020), confirmed that this response is all perfectly normal in a coronavirus COVID - 19 pandemic.

By now, we have all undoubtedly experienced feelings of isolation and economic anxiety. As well as being anxious about catching the virus itself and spreading the virus to other people.

In Mental Health and the Covid-19 Pandemic, Pfefferbaum and North (2020), refer to "the importance of addressing these emotional outcomes as part of the pandemic response. "

Unfortunately, the term mental health still carries connotations and stigma with historical references to crazy and so forth. It is vital to understand in 2020 that the term mental health is related to the health of the mind in the same manner that physical health relates to the body. Imagine if society was embarrassed, offended, or shamed for revealing their physical health routine. How would the health and beauty and fitness industry survive? Therefore, it seems ridiculous that Mental Health is not valued to the same degree. We seem to be cultivating a society and culture of humans that are cared for physically, but emotionally are completely unkempt and overwhelmed.


mindfulism® is not a helpline or a therapy service, 

because maintaining a healthy mind does not require therapy

just as maintaining a healthy body doesn't require a medical practitioner. 


Paul Farmer Chief executive of the Mental Health Charity Mind, comments that  "We are facing the greatest test of our mental health this year" and

"There is an urgent need for a Winter Mental Health Support Package now from the Government. This must include access to face to face and online mental health services for those who need it "(Mind 2020).  However, the World Health Organization, 2020 found that countries were  "spending less than two percent of their national health budgets on mental health, and struggling to meet their populations' needs."

Perhaps, it may be interesting to reflect on how much, we as a society value our mental health. We do have the ability of clear thinking and resilience, but to maintain or regain this, we need to exercise the mind, just as we do the body.


Mind Health is just as important as physical health.


With regular guided mindfulness, we can begin to make sense of how we feel. Even with unwanted thoughts and feelings, anger, depression, fatigue, and muscle tension. We begin to develop self-awareness, recognize stress, and regain control, and experience joy.

 "Mindfulness isn't easy when you're in the middle of a global pandemic but being present in your everyday life, albeit not your normal life, is good for mental wellbeing. It keeps you grounded and better able to cope with the current restrictions." (Anxiety UK, 2020)


The Mindful Bubble is a National Lottery Community Funded Program for all of the family.

free with no obligation. If you wish to attend,

just drop in to the Mindful Bubble Zoom room for half an hour on Thursdays at 5 pm.


We are looking after our mental wellbeing and connecting with other people. With regular practice, you too have the opportunity to manage difficult feelings, maintain regular sleep patterns. Take time to relax and learn what it means to enjoy the present.

 "The biggest health crisis in a generation and the enforced isolation of lockdowns is affecting all of our mental health." Public health specialist, Dr. Antonis Kousoulis tells Anushka Asthana that a loss of identity stemming from irregular contact with family and friends, whilst in lockdown can be distressing (The Guardian 2020).  Social distancing manifests as physical distancing but it doesn't need to result in a lack of social connectedness. 


The Mindful Bubble is a connection by distance.

We introduce and implement opportunities for meaningful connectivity without physical interaction.

The sessions have the same benefits as our pre coronavirus classes. 


Maybe the  'new normal' for us all, is right now, and it's time to take the focus from the past and into this moment.




Asthana, Anushka, et al. “What Is the Covid-19 Crisis Doing to Our Mental Health? - Podcast.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 24 Apr. 2020,

“COVID-19 Disrupting Mental Health Services in Most Countries, WHO Survey.” World Health Organization, World Health Organization,

“How to Make the Most Out Of Your Self-Isolation (Guest Post).” Anxiety UK,

“Mental Health Charity Mind Urges Government to Support People with Mental Health Problems Ahead of Second Lockdown.” Mind,

NHS Choices, NHS,

Pfefferbaum, Betty, et al. “Mental Health and the Covid-19 Pandemic: NEJM.” New England Journal of Medicine, 28 Oct. 2020,

“The Socio-Cultural Implications of COVID-19.” UNESCO, 22 Sept. 2020, 




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